Since January 2019, Moorland Community Caring has employed a part-time Health & Wellbeing Co-ordinator to work with and support people living with dementia and memory loss.

The post has been funded or partially funded, annually, upon application, to Southern Devon’s award from the Improved Better Care Fund (iBCF) which is an additional payment made most years to County Councils from Central Government to support Social Care. We are a small charity that plays a vital role in our community. 

There are many strands to the work, including: 

  • Advocacy 
  • Coaching 
  • Navigating 
  • Safeguarding 
  • Problem-solving 
  • Multi-agency participation 



Referrals are received from a variety of people and ways. Sometimes they come directly from people asking for support, perhaps from attending our Memory Café or word of mouth. Most of our referrals are received from GPs, the Older Peoples Mental Health Team (OPMHT), District Nurses, Social Prescribers and other Social Care agencies and charities. 

The Wellbeing Programme 

The personalised and individual tailored programme is designed to last between 12 and 20 weeks. Challenging issues, whether around diagnosis, diet, safety, isolation or medication, to name a few, are discussed and we identify priorities, seeking ways together to make improvements to a person’s life, as well of course, to those that love and live with them. Often Moorland Community Caring combines resources and works in partnership with others, to ensure that a person has all the knowledge to make informed decisions and plan for the future.  

Community based 

The role is community based, supporting patients and their families. Sometimes a patient is referred by a GP; sometimes the other way around. If you or a loved is living with memory problems/dementia and you would like to have a cuppa and a chat, do please contact us. Talking through issues at your pace, that affect you and your well-being might help and we would be delighted to listen and offer support. Connecting with other services and agencies can be daunting, so we will help you to do this. We pride ourselves on face-to-face contact, which some larger charities no longer do.  

We see ourselves as a consistent, professional bridge between the people we support and statutory services, which has proven to be very effective.